At Kentstown Montessori School, Montessori means:
- Freedom with responsibility – In the Montessori classroom, children are allowed the freedom to choose their own work within the boundaries of the curriculum and the expectation of appropriate behaviour towards others.
- Concrete to abstract – Dr. Montessori discovered that children develop academic skills best by starting with manipulative materials and, through their use, progressing to the abstract.
- Development of the Whole Child – Attention is given to academic, social, spiritual, and physical growth, with a focus on the development of inner discipline and self-confidence.
- Love of Learning – The Montessori environment serves to preserve and nurture the child’s innate joy and satisfaction in learning, in doing meaningful work and in exploring life.
- Siolta - National Quality Framework in Ireland for Children aged 0 - 6 years underpins our philosphy & dedication to high quality education and care for young children
- Aistear - National Curriculum Framework in Ireland for Children aged 0 - 6 years is cornerstone to our Early Childhood curriculum and supports our team of expert Preschool Teachers in planning, assessing, evaluating, reflecting and implementing.
Our Montessori Principles
Kentstown Montessori School endeavours to cultivate the child’s sense of independence, self-respect, social responsibility, passion for work done well, and concern for their immediate environment and the larger community. With this in mind, we have established the following Montessori principles to guide us:
The Classroom Environment
- Children are allowed to learn at their own pace and are not limited by an inflexible curriculum.
- A three-year age span in each class (2½-6) allows for modelling leadership, mentoring and multi-age socialization. This classroom structure encourages the development of the whole child: intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually.
- A solid foundation of structure and limits set by the teachers and fostered by the classroom community allow a unique freedom in the classroom. A commitment to responsibility and consequences develops through this structure.
- The classroom schedule allows large blocks of uninterrupted work time (one to two hours).
- The classroom is equipped with a complete set of age-appropriate Montessori materials, in excellent condition.
- We strive to nurture in the children a sense of stewardship, beginning with contributions in the class and school community.
The Prepared Adult
- Teachers are educated in the Montessori philosophy and methodology; they have the ability and dedication to put key concepts into practice. The teachers have a comprehensive understanding of the human tendencies and the planes of development as established by Maria Montessori’s work. The prepared adult will adjust his/her approach according to these planes.
- The teachers are dedicated to ongoing professional development and continuing education including refresher courses, updating childcare information sessions, first aid courses.
The School Community
- A partnership is established with the child’s family. This collaboration is considered an essential part of the child’s total development. This partnership includes open communication between home and school, on-going parent education with regards to the Montessori philosophy, and parent involvement in the school community.
- The teachers are dedicated to ongoing professional development and continuing education including refresher courses, updating childcare information sessions, first aid courses.
- Kentstown Montessori School’s new building was partly funded by the Irish Government - under the EOCP European Union Structural Funds.
- Kentstown Montessori School is registered with the North Eastern Health Board and is regularly inspected by the Preschool Officers.
- Kentstown Montessori School is a member of St. Nicholas Montessori Society, Ireland and also Montessori Europe (ME).
- Kentstown Montessori School is a member of the IPPA, the Early Childhood Organisation for Preschools and Playgroups.
- Accreditation has recently been award to Kentstown Montessori School by the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme, for providing a quality care and educational programme for children using the Montessori environment.
Our classroom is cheerful and stimulating and is specifically adapted to suit your child’s needs. A carefully prepared bright and spacious classroom, which is equipped with suitably, sized furniture and specifically designed apparatus from which the Montessori method of teaching is introduced.
Sand/water play facilities are available for the children. Dress up and Home area is also popular with each child for make believe and role-play.
Child-sized toilet facilities are adjoining the classrooms and also a toilet facility for special needs.
The outdoor area overlooks the wide-open countryside, with overlapping hills and valleys beyond. The area has a hard ground paved area, a rubber matted area, and a grassed area and a flower/vegetable plotted area.
A sandpit fort for children with ample amount of space and equipment to experiment with sand. A rubber-matted area allows for a safe area for the climbing frame and seesaw.
The hard paved area allows for hopscotch games, wheeled toys and other activities the children wish to play depending on time of year and celebrations.
All this is safely enclosed with a four-railed fence and secure gates.
Caroline McDonnell. (Principal Directress & Early Years Specialist) qualified as a Montessori Teacher with a Diploma in Montessori Teaching (distinction) and won the award of ‘Overall Student of the Year’ during her studies in 1997. Other qualifications are Certificates in Afterschool Care and Playwork. With her commitment to continuous learning and education, Caroline completed FETEC Level 6 – Childcare Supervisory Care in 2005 and in 2014 she was awarded a First Class Honours Degree in Early Childhood Studies and Practice (Level 8) from The National University Institute of Galway. She also attends regular Refresher Courses each year with St. Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland, Early Childhood Ireland and continues her Professional Development in Early Childhood. She is Chairperson of Meath Branch of Association of Childhood Professionals and strives to promote awareness of the importance of Early Years and calls for a greater Government investment in Early Childhood sector.
Michelle Cahill.
(Montessori Teacher) joined Kentstown Montessori School in 2001 as a full-time Montessori teacher. Michelle has qualifications in Pre-Nursing & Childcare FETEC Level 5, and Diploma in Montessori Teaching. While studying her Montessori course, Michelle worked her practical hours of training with Kentstown Montessori School. She is currently studying for her Degree in Early Childhood Studies. Michelle is lead teacher when Caroline is not in attendance.
Anna Heavey
(Montessori Teacher)Anna is a qualifed Childcare Practitioner, attaing FETEC Level 5 while studying early childhood studies in Drogheda in 2010. Anna joined our Team to cover Maternity Leave in April 2011 and has remained on with us as Classroom Assistant. Anna continued with her Early Childhood studies and was awarded qualifications in Montessori Early Childhood, Level 6 in 2015. Anna continues on her educational attainment and is currently studying for her Degree in Early Childhood Studies in Dundalk Institute of Technology.
Patrick McDonnell
Packie is the School Caretaker. The children call him 'Mr. Fixer' and they love having him about the school, helping him out in the garden, instructing him on what needs doing and generally greeting and including him in their daily activities. Packie has First Aid Training and completed the Buntus Programme for promoting physical activities in the early years settings.
All staff attends regular refresher courses, Siolta Workshops, Childcare Conferences and all have Occupational First Aid Certificates, Manual Handling certificates and Children First training. All staff a commited to further learning and education and are continually updating their qualifications.
Early Childhood Care & Education Scheme
We are currently contracted with the Department of Children in providing a Free Preschool Year (ECCE Scheme) to children aged 3 years. Please contact the school on 086-8104964 or email us for further information about places available.
We offer Before/After School care for children who attend Primary School. Children are dropped/collected to local National School, supervised homework, snacks, hot meal and unstructured play and activities that promote their health and wellbeing. Please contact us to discuss you & your child needs which is individually catered for each family.
- What Montessori means to us
- Our Montessori principals
- Classroom environment
- Prepared adult
- School community
- Accreditations
- Facilities
- Our staff
- Child care

- Our School
- Sessions & Times
- Daily Program
- Calendar of Events
- Parents Involved
- Employment Training
- Summer Camp